Friday 14 September 2018

Rocking Bird DIY


1. Foam
2. Safety pins (2)
3. A nail
4. Small circle made of cardboard
5. Small piece of steel wire
6. Toothpick
7. Drawing of a bird made from paper
8. Glue


1. Open both the safety pins wide and make sure the space between them is the same.

2. Push the safety pin to one end of a foam piece and the second pin on the other end.

3. Next take the circle made out of cardboard and make a hole in the center.

4. Push the steel wire in the center of the circle.

5. Next push the nail in the side of the circle as shown. This will provide the weight.

6. Draw a bird and its wing separately out of paper and cut it out.

7. Take the wing and put glue on its side and stick it in the middle of the bird. Make sure not to put glue in the center of the wing. The toothpick will be passed through here.Once the sides are stuck put the toothpick through the center of the wing.

8. Push the other end of the toothpick on the opposite side of the nail as shown.

9. Pass the steel wires through the loops of the safety pins keeping the bird in the center.

10. As simple as that. Tilt the bird forward and let it go. The bird will oscillate back and forth for a short time.

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