Monday 13 July 2015

Paper mache planet using balloon

My daughter has been learning about the solar system in her class and so i thought about making a planet for her using a balloon and paper mache. Well it gets messy but it was a lot of fun and my daughter enjoyed every minute of it.

You need the following items:
1 balloon
All purpose flour

1. To make the paper mache i took 1 part of all purpose flour and 1 part of water and mixed it together to get a smooth consistency.

2. Make strips of the newspaper. Place your blown balloon over a cup or a bowl so that it will be easier to place the strips of paper.

3. Take a strip and completely dip it in the mixture and place it over the surface of the balloon. Repeat the process until the entire balloon is covered. I placed to coats of paper to make it sturdier.

This process will get messy so place a newspaper under your work area.

4. Leave the balloon overnight or in the sun to dry.

 5. Once it is dry take a pin and blow the balloon. You can make a small hole and remove the balloon.

6. We made planet Earth so my daughter painted it green and blue.

Keep it to dry and your planet is ready.

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